John Headshot

“I was shocked to learn that the GI Bill’s educational scholarships and home financing for WWII vets weren’t available to Blacks due to systemic racism! What I can do is be a White Ally, and do what’s mine to do to help fulfill Lincoln’s promise in 1863.”

Meet John:

John has been a business owner for nearly forty years. He founded and has run two successful companies, the latest of which is Pacific Pulp Molding Inc., manufacturing recyclable and biodegradable packaging. As a proponent of environmental consciousness John continues to practice being kind and nurturing to Mother Earth. John has been a member of The Unity Center for 23 years, on its Board Of Advisors for 15 years and served as Treasurer for 12 years. John’s spiritual core is the guiding principle in his life. John and his wife enjoy world travel, grandchildren, lifelong learning and engaging in action to promote fairness and equal access to human rights everywhere.