Our “360 View” Programs

RacEquity360 offers a new approach for building racial equity. With our programs you’ll have an expansive experience of systemic racism, your personal relationship to it, and your role in addressing it.

Whether you’re a person of color or white, what’s clear is that finding solutions to our racial divide must be done together. The challenge we face is that the most high-minded and well-intentioned thinking and communication regularly end up revealing our unconscious biases, distrust, unresolved emotions and just plain insensitivity to the “other”. Without proper preparation and education before interacting with other races, the first conversation too often becomes the last. So we whites and we people of color, respectively, must first do our homework separately, to best prepare ourselves to respectfully and effectively work together.

RacEquity360 provides a comprehensive, systematic approach to the education, the preparation and the answer to what you (no matter your race) can do toward healing racism–first apart, then together. Our “Unpacking Race and Racism” program is for white people. Our “Still Overcoming: Turning Some Day Into Today” program is for people of color. We provide both programs during the same timeframe, separately, in tandem with each other.

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What’s included in both programs

  • 7 X 90-minute weekly sessions

  • Meet as a small (8 people) virtual pod—your choice among multiple days and times

  • Study materials

  • Direction to resources

  • Personal input from your facilitator (optional)

  • In-person pods may also be available in some locations

Unpacking Race and Racism: Becoming White Allies

A safe and supportive opportunity for White people to deeply understand systemic racism in America, both current and historic. This program does far more than identify “good versus bad” behaviors. It deepens your understanding of the roots of racism, your personal responsibility, and equips you to take effective, meaningful and thoughtful action alongside people of color.

Modern racism is complex, pervasive and involves all races. But no single curriculum can respectfully and effectively address the unique and devastating perpetration of racism against the many marginalized groups in America. So to make the content manageable, the “Unpacking” curriculum’s focus is on racism against our Black population. Once White people immerse themselves in our “Unpacking” study of Black racism, they become sensitized to the corresponding discrimination against all races.

Over seven weeks, a trained White facilitator guides you through what can be uncomfortable, but necessary, discussions as you learn what, as a White person, you didn’t know you didn’t know. You’ll progress through a proven path of racial awareness, racial literacy, and identify your own racial equity project.

Still Overcoming: Turning Some Day Into Today

A safe and supportive environment for sharing your experiences as a person of color, and for exploring your natural and common feelings which may include frustration, distrust, resentment and fatigue. This program is designed to guide you, in your own peer setting, to move along a path from healthy emotional expressing, toward a willingness to take positive action. Sharing your past successful experiences will provide opportunities for others to learn. You’ll explore the risks, challenges and opportunities of partnering with White people in working toward racial equity.

We consulted with Black anti-racism experts to develop the “Still Overcoming” curriculum. In order to provide a manageable framework for the program discussions, the material is based on systemic racism against our Black brothers and sisters. Participants of other races, however, do have the optional opportunity to discuss the racism unique to their racial identification in a special parallel study pod.

Over seven weeks, a trained Black (or other facilitator of color) guides you along the path from the discomfort of authentically sharing, through a deeper understanding of the roots and reasons of racism, to a place of preparedness to collaborate with White people in working toward racial equity.

Still Overcoming: Turning Some Day Into Today

A safe and supportive environment for sharing your experiences as a person of color, and for exploring your natural and common feelings which may include frustration, distrust, resentment and fatigue. This program is designed to guide you, in your own peer setting, to move along a path from healthy emotional expressing, toward a willingness to take positive action. Sharing your past successful experiences will provide opportunities for others to learn. You’ll explore the risks, challenges and opportunities of partnering with White people in working toward racial equity.

We consulted with Black anti-racism experts to develop the “Still Overcoming” curriculum. In order to provide a manageable framework for the program discussions, the material is based on systemic racism against our Black brothers and sisters. Participants of other races, however, do have the optional opportunity to discuss the racism unique to their racial identification in a special parallel study pod.

Over seven weeks, a trained Black (or other facilitator of color) guides you along the path from the discomfort of authentically sharing, through a deeper understanding of the roots and reasons of racism, to a place of preparedness to collaborate with White people in working toward racial equity.